Tag Archive for: belonging

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Video: Social Support Reduces the Odds of Developing Cancer

In a substantial study of three thousand breast cancer patients, all of whom were nurses, completed in 2006, researchers found that women without close friends had a mortality rate of four times that of women with a close circle of friends. In…
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Video: Social Connections Are Essential for Health

Around the world and in all cultures, the healthiest people belong to some kind of community or at least have close friends. Humans are meant to be in community and the degree of community we experience directly correlates with the degree of…
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Video: Your Friends and Family May Save Your Life

A study done in the San Francisco Bay Area (Alameda County) over a nine year period showed that the people with the highest quality and quantity of social support and connections had the lowest rates of sickness and death. An eight year follow-up…

Video: Social Support Is Absolutely Essential For Health and Wellbeing

Researchers concluded that despite terrible health habits such as high fat diet, lack of exercise, chain smoking, excessive drinking, working in coal mines, the residents of Roseto, Pennsylvania in the 1950s were very healthy and had one sixth…