Tag Archive for: recover

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Video: Mental Attitude Often Determines Physical Health

In the 1880s Dr. William Osler started the first residency program for medical students in the United States. He told his (Johns Hopkins) residents: “Ask not what disease the patient has, but rather, what patient the disease has.” Mental…

In Your Own Hands – Improving Psychological Well-being

Every Monday, my blog post “In Your Own Hands” is where I’ll be featuring articles I find interesting or that I think are a good resource to help you take charge of your health. What articles have you read recently that caught your attention?…
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Psychotherapy to Treat Medical Conditions?

We normally go to psychotherapists for help with psychological issues and go to physicians for help with medical issues. However, new research in psychoneuroimmunology and neuropsychology reveals direct connections between health and happiness. …
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Inspiring Reaction to Serious Illness

When people are told they have a chronic, incurable disease or condition, and especially if the diagnosis is potentially life-threatening or extremely debilitating, they understandably react with shock, terror, disbelief, anger, and grief. For…