Video: The psychophysiology of health and recovery from disease and other medical conditions

Conversation with Dr. Erik Peper about remarkable recoveries from life-threatening diseases following a visit to a shaman, medicine man, faith healer, voodoo master, or other indigenous healer. Also discussed is the importance of deep trust…

Authentic Self-Expression and Health

Cancer Rates and Emotional Suppression Medical researchers Dr. Keith Pettingale and Dr. Steven Greer performed psychological testing at the start of a prospective study of 160 women with breast lumps, prior to biopsy. Both patients and physicians…

How Does Mindfulness Improve Health and Well-Being? Part 2

Mind training, such as mindfulness practice makes us more stress-hardy and resilient. Instead of being victims of environmental stressors or stressful situations, we can choose to respond in healthy ways to the stressors that are part of life.…

The Mind and Cancer

What causes cancer? Cancer has many causes. In most people, it is the result of a complex interaction between many factors. For many people, cancer is the result of having contracted certain viruses decades before the cancer diagnosis. For…
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What Causes Disease, Part 2

The Physiological Effects of Persistent Emotional Distress It is normal to experience emotional distress brought on by the events and circumstances of everyday life. When this happens sporadically, it is not a problem—the body is resilient…

What Causes Disease? Part 1

Almost everyone I have ever known who was diagnosed with cancer or any other serious chronic medical condition wondered: “Why me?” Most people think they may have done something to cause the disease. To make matters worse, well-meaning friends…
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Authentic Self-Expression and Health Part 1

In the book, Cancer as a Turning Point, research psychologist Lawrence LeShan describes how he pioneered the application of psychotherapy to working with advanced metastatic cancer patients, with the goal of improving longevity. In his lengthy…

The best drugs are those made by the brain.

The most effective drugs are free and without any side effects. These are biological drugs prescribed by the brain and synthesized by the endocrine, immune, GI, nervous, cardiovascular, renal, hepatic, and other systems. If one is in perfect…

Social Support and Health

Around the world and in all cultures, the healthiest people belong to some type of community, have close friends, often feel a connection with all humanity, provide social support to others, and are able to ask for it for themselves when they…