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Q&A with Dr. B.

The purpose of this blog and the entire website is to provide evidence-based information on how to live a vibrant, meaningful life while living with chronic health challenges or other life challenges. Every Tuesday I post a new, very…
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Video: The Mind Causes the Body to Change

There is an up-down process and a down-up process. In other words, the mind causes physiological changes throughout the body and physiological changes occurring throughout the body cause changes in the mind. One of my mentors, Lawrence LeShan,…
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Q&A with Dr. B.

The purpose of this blog and the entire website is to provide evidence-based information on how to live a vibrant, meaningful life while living with chronic health challenges or other life challenges. Every Tuesday I post a new, very…
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Q&A with Dr. B.

The purpose of this blog and the entire website is to provide evidence-based information on how to live a vibrant, meaningful life while living with chronic health challenges or other life challenges. Every Tuesday I post a new, very…
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Video: Mental Attitude Often Determines Physical Health

In the 1880s Dr. William Osler started the first residency program for medical students in the United States. He told his (Johns Hopkins) residents: “Ask not what disease the patient has, but rather, what patient the disease has.” Mental…
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Chronic Illness Q&A with Dr. B.

The purpose of this blog and the entire website is to provide evidence-based information on how to live a vibrant, meaningful life while living with chronic health challenges or other life challenges. Every Tuesday I post a new, very…
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Chronic Illness Q&A with Dr. B.

The purpose of this blog and the entire website is to provide evidence-based information on how to live a vibrant, meaningful life while living with chronic health challenges or other life challenges. Every Tuesday I post a new, very…
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Chronic Illness Q&A with Dr. B.

The purpose of this blog and the entire website is to provide evidence-based information on how to live a vibrant, meaningful life while living with chronic health challenges or other life challenges. Every Tuesday I post a new, very…
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Chronic Illness Q&A with Dr. B.

The purpose of this blog and the entire website is to provide evidence-based information on how to live a vibrant, meaningful life while living with chronic health challenges or other life challenges. Every Tuesday I post a new, very…