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Q & A with Dr. B.

The purpose of this blog and the entire website is to provide evidence-based information on how to live a vibrant, meaningful life while living with chronic health challenges or other life challenges. Every Tuesday I post a new, very brief…
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Q & A with Dr. B.

The purpose of this blog and the entire website is to provide evidence-based information on how to live a vibrant, meaningful life while living with chronic health challenges or other life challenges. Every Tuesday I post a new, very…
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Q & A with Dr. B.

The purpose of this blog and the entire website is to provide evidence-based information on how to live a vibrant, meaningful life while living with chronic health challenges or other life challenges. Every Tuesday I post a new, very…
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Q & A with Dr. B.

The purpose of this blog and the entire website is to provide evidence-based information on how to live a vibrant, meaningful life while living with chronic health challenges or other life challenges. Every Tuesday I post a new, very…
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Video: Your Mind Can Neutralize Allergens and Even Some Toxins

In this video, I mentioned the Japanese study in which poison ivy was rubbed on the forearms of boys known to be allergic to the plant. In the first part of the experiment, a poison ivy leaf was rubbed on the forearms of teenage boys known to…
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Q & A with Dr. B.

The purpose of this blog and the entire website is to provide evidence-based information on how to live a vibrant, meaningful life while living with chronic health challenges or other life challenges. Every Tuesday I post a new, very…
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Video: The Mind and Healing

“The human mind is the most underutilized and poorly utilized health resource available to us" (M. Rossman, MD). As important as it is to eat a nutrient-dense diet, get plenty of daily exercise and sleep, if you are not training your mind…
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Q & A with Dr. B.

The purpose of this blog and the entire website is to provide evidence-based information on how to live a vibrant, meaningful life while living with chronic health challenges or other life challenges. Every Tuesday I post a new, very…
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Video: Your Beliefs Have Psychopharmacological Effects

In a pharmacology class at a medical school, the pharmacology professor gave half the class a tablet that looked exactly like a well known stimulant and the other half of the students got a tablet that looked exactly like a well known sedative.…