Video: Mastery Through Conscious Breathing Practices
In this interview of Dr. Erik Peper, we discuss the power of Tumo breathing. This form of conscious breathing has been studied by Dr. Herbert Benson of Harvard and many other Western researchers. It is a special form of conscious respiration…
Video: Experiments in Mind Control for Health with Neurofeedback
In this discussion with Dr. Erik Peper, we explore the frontier of psychophysiological self-regulation. Dr. Peper talks about the research he did in the late 60s and early 70s on EEG alpha training. He describes how he learned to turn off alpha…
Our Use of Language Affects Our State of Health.
“I’m Terminal” Is a Dangerous Use of Language
It’s common to hear someone with very advanced cancer say, “I’m terminal.” In the last stages of the disease, this acceptance of death is healthy and allows for a more peaceful dying…
Video: Pain Control Through Relaxation
This interview of Dr. Erik Peper explores the frontier of psychophysiological self-regulation. Included is conscious regulation of pain, blood pressure, and other physiological measures. We discuss how you can take control and consciously calm…
If What You’re Doing Isn’t Working, Try Something Else
Become a Symptom Sleuth
In my post earlier this week, I talked about the importance of practicing something different when what we are practicing isn't improving or stabilizing our health. When it comes to practicing something different,…
Video: Focus On Possibilities, Not On Limitations
This interview with psychophysiologist Dr. Erik Peper reveals self-healing secrets used by yogis for thousands of years. Mind-training methods used by yogis like Jack Schwarz were explored. The underlying message throughout the discussion was…
Change Your Mind for Health
Altered States of Consciousness for Health
One of my mentors, physiological psychologist Jeanne Achterberg, PhD once told us: "All healing takes place in an altered state of consciousness. This means that the state of consciousness in which…
Video: Biofeedback Builds Self-efficacy, Hope, Health, & Wellbeing
Interview with biofeedback pioneer Dr. Erik Peper. How to use the mind to improve physiological functioning, health, and well-being. Skill-building to develop self-efficacy, self-empowerment, and hope. Evidence-based mental training to manage…
Video: Respiration & Health
How we breathe is intimately connected to our state of health. We can speed up breathing to energize or slow it for a calming effect. Practice becoming more aware of the speed and depth of your breathing. Breathing diaphragmatically at 6 to…