In one of the studies, half of a large group of students with the earliest signs of a cold went to Karmu, the healer. The other half were treated at the Harvard Health Service. Most of those treated at Harvard Health developed severe colds.… Berkelhammer Berkelhammer2015-11-03 09:00:222015-09-27 18:39:50Video: Is Love the Most Powerful Medicine?
The purpose of this website, my book, and the Community Education course I teach at the College of Marin, is to teach people how to live a vibrant, meaningful life through the cultivation of self-empowerment and self-efficacy. In this weekly… Berkelhammer Berkelhammer2015-10-30 06:00:402015-09-25 13:49:53Q & A with Dr. B.
In this study, after controlling for potential confounding variables, research psychologists discovered that the most friendly, openhearted people have the lowest rates of cancer and the most optimally functioning immune systems. In other studies,… Berkelhammer Berkelhammer2015-10-27 09:00:022015-09-27 18:33:09Video: Friendly People Have Better Immune Function
The purpose of this website, my book, and the Community Education course I teach at the College of Marin, is to teach people how to live a vibrant, meaningful life through the cultivation of self-empowerment and self-efficacy. In this weekly… Berkelhammer Berkelhammer2015-10-23 06:00:502015-09-25 13:41:55Q & A with Dr. B.
In this prospective study at Johns Hopkins, which was carried out for thirty years, the medical students who in medical school were deemed to be most likely to have meaningful relationships throughout life, were found to have far less cancer… Berkelhammer Berkelhammer2015-10-20 09:00:472015-09-27 18:27:16Video: Meaningful Relationships Correlate with Less Cancer
The purpose of this website, my book, and the Community Education course I teach at the College of Marin, is to teach people how to live a vibrant, meaningful life through the cultivation of self-empowerment and self-efficacy. In this weekly… Berkelhammer Berkelhammer2015-10-16 06:00:072015-09-25 13:34:01Q & A with Dr. B.
In this prospective study of breast cancer patients, those who confided in others had higher survival rates. There was a clear correlation between social support and higher survival rates. This study was conducted by Dr. Elizabeth Maunsell. Berkelhammer Berkelhammer2015-10-13 09:00:292015-09-27 18:15:42Video: Social Support Improves the Odds of Beating Cancer
The purpose of this website, my book, and the Community Education course I teach at the College of Marin, is to teach people how to live a vibrant, meaningful life through the cultivation of self-empowerment and self-efficacy. In this weekly… Berkelhammer Berkelhammer2015-10-09 06:00:352015-08-21 16:38:03Q & A with Dr. B.
This is a case study of a woman treated for intractable asthma with what both the doctor and the patient believed was a powerful new, experimental drug. The doctor, in disbelief over the rapid cure using the drug, believed the drug company had… Berkelhammer Berkelhammer2015-10-06 09:00:402015-10-06 16:02:25Video: The Mind Overrides Medical Treatment
Video: Is Love the Most Powerful Medicine?
Q & A with Dr. B.
Video: Friendly People Have Better Immune Function
Q & A with Dr. B.
Video: Meaningful Relationships Correlate with Less Cancer
Q & A with Dr. B.
Video: Social Support Improves the Odds of Beating Cancer
Q & A with Dr. B.
Video: The Mind Overrides Medical Treatment