Video: Self-Empowerment through Conscious Awareness and Choice
It is important to identify your personal values and goals. Once you have spent quality time identifying what values and goals matter to you most, the next step is the following mindfulness practice: Throughout the day, form a habit of asking…
Q & A with Dr. B. – Can self-care confer meaning and purpose to my life?
The purpose of this website, my book, and the Community Education course I teach at the College of Marin, is to teach people how to live a vibrant, meaningful life through the cultivation of self-empowerment and self-efficacy. In this weekly…
Video: Live Your Life by Your Values
Self-empowerment and self-efficacy are developed by living your life according to your personal values and goals.
A goal is something you desire to achieve. This can involve acquiring a material thing—a new car, for example—or it can…
Q & A with Dr. B. – Can self-care confer meaning and purpose to my life?
The purpose of this website, my book, and the Community Education course I teach at the College of Marin, is to teach people how to live a vibrant, meaningful life through the cultivation of self-empowerment and self-efficacy. In this weekly…
Q & A with Dr. B. – Why Mindful Biology?
The purpose of this website, my book, and the Community Education course I teach at the College of Marin, is to teach people how to live a vibrant, meaningful life through the cultivation of self-empowerment and self-efficacy. In this weekly…
Q & A with Dr. B. – Please explain more about last week’s post on symbiotic relationships between mind and body
The purpose of this website, my book, and the Community Education course I teach at the College of Marin, is to teach people how to live a vibrant, meaningful life through the cultivation of self-empowerment and self-efficacy. In this weekly…
Q & A with Dr. B. – What do you mean by “failing to appreciate the symbiotic relationship?
The purpose of this website, my book, and the Community Education course I teach at the College of Marin, is to teach people how to live a vibrant, meaningful life through the cultivation of self-empowerment and self-efficacy. In this weekly…
Q & A with Dr. B. – Does mindfulness help get rid of the self-deprecating thoughts you describe as being so harmful?
The purpose of this website, my book, and the Community Education course I teach at the College of Marin, is to teach people how to live a vibrant, meaningful life through the cultivation of self-empowerment and self-efficacy. In this weekly…
Q & A with Dr. B. – What is the difference between wants and needs?
The purpose of this website, my book, and the Community Education course I teach at the College of Marin, is to teach people how to live a vibrant, meaningful life through the cultivation of self-empowerment and self-efficacy. In this weekly…