Video: Openheartedness and Love Confer Health
Studies by James McKay found that people who are open and friendly to strangers had half the rate of major illnesses of those who kept a cold and distant attitude toward strangers. These “affiliator types” (people who value relationships)…
Q & A with Dr. B. – You describe a mother’s motivation for caring for her baby. I don’t understand how that relates to adults caring for themselves.
The purpose of this website, my book, and the Community Education course I teach at the College of Marin, is to teach people how to live a vibrant, meaningful life through the cultivation of self-empowerment and self-efficacy. In this weekly…
Q & A with Dr. B. – Would you describe in more detail how your teaching evolved from teaching self-discipline to Mindful Biology and Loving Self-Care?
The purpose of this website, my book, and the Community Education course I teach at the College of Marin, is to teach people how to live a vibrant, meaningful life through the cultivation of self-empowerment and self-efficacy. In this weekly…
Q & A with Dr. B. – The Mindful Biology you describe sounds interesting. Can you say more about it?
The purpose of this website, my book, and the Community Education course I teach at the College of Marin, is to teach people how to live a vibrant, meaningful life through the cultivation of self-empowerment and self-efficacy. In this weekly…
Q & A with Dr. B. – You mentioned that what you found to be most effective was Mindful Biology; what is that?
The purpose of this website, my book, and the Community Education course I teach at the College of Marin, is to teach people how to live a vibrant, meaningful life through the cultivation of self-empowerment and self-efficacy. In this weekly…
Video: Social Connections Are Essential for Health
Around the world and in all cultures, the healthiest people belong to some kind of community or at least have close friends. Humans are meant to be in community and the degree of community we experience directly correlates with the degree of…
Q & A with Dr. B. – You said that the concepts of self-discipline and compliance were not working. What did you find to be more effective?
The purpose of this website, my book, and the Community Education course I teach at the College of Marin, is to teach people how to live a vibrant, meaningful life through the cultivation of self-empowerment and self-efficacy. In this weekly…
Video: Inert Placebos Act Like Drugs In Your Mind
Over the centuries, medical prescriptions included animal dung, lizard blood, frog sperm, crab eyes, and countless potentially deadly substances. Patients actually got well on these and hundreds of other useless and dangerous substances. The reason…
Q & A with Dr. B. – “How do you maintain the self-discipline to keep practicing loving self-care every day?”
The purpose of this website, my book, and the Community Education course I teach at the College of Marin, is to teach people how to live a vibrant, meaningful life through the cultivation of self-empowerment and self-efficacy. In this weekly…