Living by choice is not a mystery; the steps are simple. But it doesn’t come easily, especially at first. If it did, everyone would drop their old habits and start living with intention so they could reap all the benefits and live healthier,… Berkelhammer Berkelhammer2017-01-25 16:14:562017-02-27 22:07:01Video: How to Live by Choice
The purpose of this website, my book, and the Community Education course I teach at the College of Marin, is to teach people how to live a vibrant, meaningful life through the cultivation of self-empowerment and self-efficacy. In this monthly… Berkelhammer Berkelhammer2017-01-17 06:00:412017-02-27 22:07:01Q & A with Dr. B. – Please say more about the need for MBEP and explain the difference between it and sitting meditation.
Dr. Carl Simonton, under whom I trained at the Simonton Cancer Center, always impressed upon participants at his center’s cancer retreats that energy is essential to healing and that the act of pursuing goals is itself energizing. Setting… Berkelhammer Berkelhammer2017-01-04 11:25:362017-02-27 22:07:01Video: The Importance of Setting Goals
The purpose of this website, my book, and the Community Education course I teach at the College of Marin, is to teach people how to live a vibrant, meaningful life through the cultivation of self-empowerment and self-efficacy. In this monthly… Berkelhammer Berkelhammer2016-12-20 06:00:432016-12-19 13:33:35Q & A with Dr. B. – What is the difference between a physical (dynamic) concentration practice versus sitting mindfulness meditation?
How to Increase Authenticity and Authentic Self-Expression
Because you can’t express your authentic feelings to others until you can identify them, engage in the fundamental mindfulness practice of recognizing your thoughts, sensations, and… Berkelhammer Berkelhammer2016-12-13 09:00:522016-12-07 12:25:42Video: Be Who You Really Are
The purpose of this website, my book, and the Community Education course I teach at the College of Marin, is to teach people how to live a vibrant, meaningful life through the cultivation of self-empowerment and self-efficacy. In this monthly… Berkelhammer Berkelhammer2016-11-22 06:00:312016-11-28 14:43:51Q & A with Dr. B. – What is MBEP and why did you develop it?
Many people go through life blaming others for their own failings. Coach John Wooden of UCLA taught his basketball players to take responsibility and work hard to change any dysfunctional behavior or any behavior that was getting in the way… Berkelhammer Berkelhammer2016-10-28 06:00:492016-11-17 11:38:00Video: Living By Your Values and Goals
The purpose of this website, my book, and the Community Education course I teach at the College of Marin, is to teach people how to live a vibrant, meaningful life through the cultivation of self-empowerment and self-efficacy. In this monthly… Berkelhammer Berkelhammer2016-10-24 16:15:092016-11-28 14:44:35Q & A with Dr. B. – Would you provide examples of what you mean by empowered versus disempowered self-talk?
Every thought has the power to push us to act a certain way. For example, if you believe you do not have what it takes to achieve your goals, you will not take the necessary action to make your goals a reality. If you believe that you do in… Berkelhammer Berkelhammer2016-10-04 09:00:552016-10-13 12:37:51Video: Our Behavior Is The Result Of Our Thoughts
Video: How to Live by Choice
Q & A with Dr. B. – Please say more about the need for MBEP and explain the difference between it and sitting meditation.
Video: The Importance of Setting Goals
Q & A with Dr. B. – What is the difference between a physical (dynamic) concentration practice versus sitting mindfulness meditation?
Video: Be Who You Really Are
Q & A with Dr. B. – What is MBEP and why did you develop it?
Video: Living By Your Values and Goals
Q & A with Dr. B. – Would you provide examples of what you mean by empowered versus disempowered self-talk?
Video: Our Behavior Is The Result Of Our Thoughts