Video: Belief Becomes Biology

Dr. Larry Berkelhammer speaks with Dr. Erik Peper about the connection of our beliefs and our health.

Practice Living by Your Personal Life Values—Part 2

In Part 1, which appeared last Monday on June 4th, we explored the connection between mindfulness and intention to live by our values. Before we consider focusing on values as a practice, let’s examine what values actually are and how they…

Practice Connection and Service to Others, Part 2

Many studies have shown that the healthiest and happiest people are commonly the first people to offer helping hands to coworkers and strangers in particular. In her extensive study of happiness, research psychologist Sonja Lyubomirsky found…

Video: Harmony and Homeostasis

Dr. Larry Berkelhammer talks with Dr. Erik Peper about "Disease is a rupture in life's harmony", a statement from World Health Organization.

Practice Living by Your Personal Life Values—Part 1

  As I pointed out in earlier posts, emotional distress and its accompanying physiological stress are less the result of events than of the attributions you assign to those events—your thoughts and beliefs about them—and your cognitive…

Practice Connection and Service to Others, Part 1

In numerous studies, researchers have determined that connecting with others in order to be of service to them is strongly associated with superior health. In this and future posts, I will share some of those studies with you, touch on a few…

Core Beliefs and Rumination

Core Beliefs  As we touched on in the last post, beginning early in our lives many of us developed very unhealthy core beliefs about ourselves, such as that we weren’t good enough or that we were unlovable or flawed in some significant…

The Conceptualized Self

We have already identified cognitive fusion as the source of much unnecessary suffering. How, then, do we “cognitively de-fuse”? The first step is to recognize our fused, unconscious state. There are telltale signs. Forms of Cognitive Fusion Cognitive…

Mindlessness, Mindfulness, and Cognitive Fusion

Mindlessness—which exists whenever we are not actively practicing mindfulness—is a mind state wherein we tend to rely upon rigid categories and distinctions we acquired in the past. New events and situations are classified according to old,…