This new question & answer column is for people living with chronic health challenges, who want to learn to live with mastery & wellbeing. I invite you to post your questions in the comments box below and I will answer them on a future… Berkelhammer Berkelhammer2012-10-19 09:00:282012-10-22 17:29:06Chronic Illness Q&A with Dr. B.
This is an introduction to the 26-part series on how to live better with chronic illness. The concept of mindfulness-based mastery & wellbeing practices is introduced. Mindfulness practice is described as the fundament of mastery & wellbeing…
Deepak Chopra recently wrote an excellent article in the Huffington Post about self-care. The following article is information I would like to add to what he offered.
Partnerships in Loving Self-Care
One of the best ways to develop… Berkelhammer Berkelhammer2012-10-15 09:00:342014-11-17 22:42:20Loving Self-Care for Health
Infuse Mindfulness in Every Self-Care Activity
It can be a challenge to spend considerable time engaged in self-care—in what we truly need—when we would rather be working or playing or chasing what we want. Unless we use self-care activities…
Conclusion of interview with home healthcare expert Steve Olian, MBA:
Larry Berkelhammer: LB Steve Olian: SO
LB: What about the situation where the caregiver may actually be doing a really good job, but… Berkelhammer Berkelhammer2012-10-10 09:00:112012-09-30 16:57:33Hiring Private Caregivers Part 5 of 5
In a famous study, epidemiology researcher James House (no relation to Gregory) and his team conducted a prospective study of 2,754 residents of Tecumseh, Michigan, observing their social ties and group activities for ten years. This was a… Berkelhammer Berkelhammer2012-10-08 09:00:252012-10-06 14:17:02Social Support Contributes to Health
Set an intention to make conscious choices throughout the day, each day.
The first step is a matter of focus, of deciding how you want to direct your thoughts. Since most of us live quite unconsciously most of the time, setting the intention… Berkelhammer Berkelhammer2012-10-05 09:00:412014-11-17 22:41:07Steps to Live According to Conscious Choice
Continuation of interview with home healthcare expert, Steve Olian, MBA (SO) by Larry Berkelhammer (LB):
LB: If you’re paying out of pocket, is there a standard price that agencies charge, or a standard price that individuals charge, and… Berkelhammer Berkelhammer2012-10-03 09:00:282012-09-30 16:15:29Hiring Private Caregivers, Part 4 of 5
Choose to Live with Mastery & Wellbeing
The crux of living with mastery & wellbeing is the ability to recognize and take advantage of a simple fact: that every moment of the day presents an opportunity to choose how you will… Berkelhammer Berkelhammer2012-10-01 09:00:272014-11-17 22:41:07What Are You Choosing?
Chronic Illness Q&A with Dr. B.
Video: Mindfulness-Based Mastery & Wellbeing Series Introduction
Loving Self-Care for Health
Mindfulness-Based Self-Care
Hiring Private Caregivers Part 5 of 5
Social Support Contributes to Health
Steps to Live According to Conscious Choice
Hiring Private Caregivers, Part 4 of 5
What Are You Choosing?